Varilux®, the #1 brand recommended by eye care professionals¹, just released Varilux® XR series™, the latest generation of varifocal lenses that know how our eyes really move. Discover more and book your eye test with us today.
Are you a multitasker? Varilux® XR are the perfect accompaniment your everyday life. As you multi-task throughout the day, you’ll experience instantly sharp focus on the move, with seamless switches from near to far.
Artificial intelligence is pushing boundaries in all kinds of industry, from automotive to medicine. And now, for the first time, Varilux® varifocal lenses integrate artificial intelligence. Varilux® XR series™ lens goes beyond your prescription.This lens responds to your visual behaviour predicted by artificial intelligence based on exclusive real life data.
1 - Survey conducted by CSA among a representative sample of 1041 independent ECPs, in 10 countries: Fr, Sp, Ger, It, UK, US, Canada, Brazil,India, China. Feb-Apr 2018
* Eye-responsive defined as the consideration of two parameters in the design of the progressive lens: prescription and visual behaviour